Grow My Future

Grow My Future

Torsten Mundus and Richard Petri, both Master of Horticulture, have travelled and worked for almost 20 years to and in Africa, to bring to people around the world flowers, which are today largely grown for export in Africa. Torsten is up to today busy with planning processes and logistic, while Richard lived and worked in Ethiopia and Uganda as project manager for years until 2010.

„When not being busy with my business routines in East Africa I come across many rural people, who are facing scarcity of resources and looking desperately for solutions, how to feed their families from their plot of land in the future.“
„When I lived in Africa, of course we have been once in while also on safaris. Just outside the reserves, many farmers had a very difficult life. Often they could not get access their land which they were using for many generations to make their living.“

With their own foundation „Grow My Future“ they thrive to combine their long-term experiences on the ground in Africa, together with their broad network in Europe for the benefit of those communities. They are running fully volontarily this foundation to support small scale farmers, who have already stepped forward using their resources more sustainably and are at the same committed to protect their neighbouring wildlife.

With Woldmedhin Zebene, an experienced nature and conservation expert, they set up their first project on community land in Ethiopia. This is a place where still the last Ethiopian wolves are roaming freely: The Guassa Community Conservation Area.

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